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Revealing Our Creative Mission

Welcome to, where creativity brings people together. We offer engaging workshops that foster connections, teamwork, and fun while teaching essential skills. Through shared creative experiences, we create a supportive and inclusive environment, encourage laughter, idea exchange, and a collective sense of accomplishment. Through shared creative experiences, we create a supportive and inclusive environment, encouraging laughter, idea exchange, and a collective sense of accomplishment. Join us on this journey of limitless creativity and skill-building, as we explore the world of jewelry making, create memorable experiences, strengthen bonds, and nurture a community where creativity knows no bounds.


Where Passion and Dedication Meet

My name is Rivkah Friedman.

Today, I LOVE art, but this wasn't always the case for me! Once upon a time I was the kid 'with 2 left hands'. I hated art and everything that surrounded it, I didn't realize at the time, but it wasn't art I hated, I just feared failure and despised doing things I wasn't good at! Which is understandable I guess. I really believed that everyone had different skills and mine did not include creativity.  

A few years ago I was lucky enough to  learn the beautiful world of expressive arts, and that's when I learnt that there's no such thing as a person with no creativity. We just have to find it within ourselves and feel safe enough to let it out! When I found my own creativity, I fell in love with art and creativity! Now I am passionate about using this gift, to give others a great time and help other people find their OWN creativity in every context.

Collaborative creativity breeds connection and thats what I love the most about what I do! 

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